research2guidance has released a free Whitepaper about the current Smartphone App Market status. The report summarizes key trends and figures of the global smartphone app market.
Three key-takeaways from the Whitepaper:
1) Managing different app stores will be key for the app distribution success
With new mobile operating systems (Firefox, Ubuntu, Jolla) new mobile app distribution channels will arise. App publishers and companies will be forced to keep track of at least the most important distribution channels for their most important target groups. Thus building and marketing an app is becoming an important part of companies’ businesses. It will even have a bigger impact than the commercialization of the internet economy at the beginning of the century.
2) Diversity of mobile operating systems will increase
Today, 90 % of all smartphones come with an IOS or Android operating system. This doesn’t leave a lot of space for mobile device manufacturers who have to compete over price. New operating systems will offer new and fresh opportunities, especially for 2nd tier device manufacturers.
3) App development will become more complex
For developers the pressure to add at least one or two different OSs to their game will be rising to reach out to new target groups who are demanding innovation. The increased OS diversity will add even more pressure for companies when managing their mobile customers.
The 27 pages Whitepaper from research2guidance gives an overview of today’s mobile apps market. The report is available for free: http://www.research2guidance.
About research2guidance:
research2guidance is a Berlin-based mobile app economy specialist. The company’s service offerings include app strategy consulting, market studies and research.