Welcome digital board game lovers, I have two new games to introduce you: Uwe Rosenberg’s Cottage Garden and Bohnanza.

Cottage Garden:

In  Cottage Garden, you plant two Flowerbeds with different flowers.  You will then score each Flowerbed when there are no more free spaces visible on it, then you exchange it for a new, unplanted one. You receive points for all visible Flower Pots and Garden Cloches on the completed Flowerbed, and you may also receive Flower Pots and Cats that will help you with your gardening. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

This is a cute, easy to play game that is available for both Android and iOS.


In this two-player variant of Bohnanza, both bean farmers give each other gifts of beans they can‘t use themselves – to make life harder for their opponent, if possible.

This game is also available for both Android and iOS devices.

I am still playing and learning these games, but just like the other games from Digidiced both are fun, well done, and pretty easy to learn and play. Right now I would say that I like Cottage Garden a bit more.  Have you tried them? Which do you like?